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What makes Music Together different? 

1. Research. Music Together was first offered to the public in 1987 and pioneered the concept of a research-based, developmentally appropriate early childhood music curriculum. Today, classes are offered all over the world including a lab school in Princeton, New Jersey. Ongoing research at the lab school, as well as the research of others, continually informs Music Together’s work on curriculum content and development, varied applications of the program, and teacher training. Everything we do in class has an educational purpose, just ask one of our highly trained teachers. Go to Research and Articles to learn more. 

2. The Music. Music Together records with top-notch musicians playing real instruments- you'll hear a gorgeous violin solo, not a synthesizer set to "violin" setting. The high level of recording integrity and musicianship shows. After all, we want adults to be listening to this music at home, so we make it worth hearing! It is important that children have rich musical experiences early in life.

3. Song Choices. Music Together is first and foremost a music education program, and this drives all of our decisions in song selection. Songs are chosen for the Music Together curriculum based primarily on two factors: (1) the song's educational value for the young child's musical growth, and (2) the song's effectiveness for family music-making. We are also committed to producing ethical and respectful representations of songs. Read here about our Song Advisory Board, and the work that is done to ensure the highest quality of music for your child. The music that we teach young children matters. Children develop deep, sometimes lifelong attachments to the songs they learn early in their lives. Thus, the responsibility of including or omitting songs in our curriculum is something that Music Together takes seriously. More about our song collections here.

What kinds of programs do you offer? 

We have different offerings for children of varying ages, from birth through five years: Music Together Babies (7 months and under), Mixed Age Family classes (birth-5 yrs). 

What is the class size?

Each in-person class has 6-12 registered children plus their primary caregiver(s). 

How long are the classes? 

Our classes are 45 minutes long, and meet once a week.

How long are the sessions? 

Session length can vary, depending on time of the year. Fall and spring sessions are usually 10 weeks, winter is 9 weeks, and summer session is 6 or 7 weeks. Please consult the Schedule of Classes for the most recent session length. 

What is the tuition? 

Tuition varies for different programs and sessions (due to length). View our Tuition page.

What if I need to start classes after the session begins?

Late registration can sometimes work, space permitting, up to the third week of a session. Late registration is handled case by case. Contact us with questions.

If I must withdraw, what is the refund policy? 

Refund Policy here.

What is the make-up policy? 

Make-ups are allowed for each child, but must be taken during the current session. Make-ups cannot be carried forward to future sessions. Currently enrolled families use our Online Make-up Scheduler in the Family Portal for enrolled families.

How do I get a make-up if I miss a class? 

Current families can schedule make-ups online here on our website. Go to our Enrolled Families "Family Portal" to use the Make-up Scheduler and you'll see options. To unlock the Family Portal, you will receive an orientation email at the start of your session. You can schedule makeups by day, location, teacher, etc. Once you've scheduled your makeup you will receive a confirmation email.

I forgot my username and/or password. What do I do? 

Under the username and password prompts, click ‘Forgot your Password?’ and enter your email address and your information will be emailed to you. If you do not remember which user name or email address you used, contact us. We can give you that info so you can request a password reset.

Can I switch classes mid-session? 

Consistency is important for your child’s learning, so we ask that you try to settle into your class in the first few weeks of the session as the integral musical community is beginning to form between families and your teacher. However, we understand that especially with young children, schedules change and nap times shift, etc. Therefore, we will do our best to accommodate your schedule and find a class that works for you and your child subject to availability. Contact Ginger via phone at (707) 544-5747 or send an email to discuss your situation.

Can I buy a gift certificate? 

Yes! Gift certificates for any amount towards Music Together classes can be purchased at any time. They can make nice baby shower or birthday gifts! Grandparents love to buy these for holiday gifts. Details here: The Gift of Music.

Is it OK for more than one adult to come to class?

Yes! Additional adults (and big kids 7 and up) who are involved in your child's life are welcome any time (at no charge) – no need to ask. But, please ensure that any adult attending with you has read and understood the policies/procedures and liability waiver. Whole-family music-making in your home is extremely valuable to your child's musical development, and attending class occasionally helps the other family members to join in at home.

Can I bring in a sibling who is not enrolled for a class visit? 

Please check with us (e-mail or 707-544-5747 -call or text) if you want to bring a non-enrolled sibling over 8 months into a class, as it's not always possible. Our policy allows one free class per visiting sibling per session. After that, there is a $15 fee per class, as space permits, payable online or in cash to the teacher. This is for siblings from 8 months through 6 years of age (siblings under 8 months are always free). The fees collected from this go to help needy families attend MT class. ​​

NOTE: Please inquire as to whether there is space for your unenrolled sibling guest at least the day before you hope for them to visit. Permission often cannot be given the morning of the day you want them to come. (We usually wouldn't even get a message from you that quickly).

Can I bring in a visitor with a child, or a visiting child without their parents, to my class?

With advance permission (by e-mail) it is possible to bring out-of-town guests with children or visiting children without their parents, who are not siblings (age 8 mo. to 7 yrs). A visiting family or child, who will be on your blanket with you (outdoors), will be welcome. Bringing a prospective family who wishes to "demo" the program is possible too, also with one-week's prior notice.

  • NOTE: Every adult in attendance (or parent sending their unenrolled child guest with you) must read and agree to the policies and procedures before coming to a class, so please give us one week’s notice and also the contact info of any adult (or parent of a visiting child) you wish to bring. This will allow time to get them the documents and have them respond with their agreement. There will be a $15 charge for visiting children not enrolled.

Can my child have a snack in class?

Nursing, bottles, and drip-free cups are OK, but we ask that you don’t bring out food during class. To support your child’s experience, you may want to give him/her a snack before class. 

As a parent, what is my role in class?

Enhance your child's experience in class by remembering to sing, sing, sing. Your active participation is the key to your children learning and growing musically. Support the creation of a music-only environment while in class by not talking to your children or other adults during the 45 minutes. Since it is difficult for a young child to tune out adult conversation please wait to socialize until after class, and instead contribute to the creation of a musical environment for the children to absorb. Please don't give your child verbal directions. It can be tough to restrain the impulse to give your child directives such as "Do what she is doing, hold your instrument this way” but children respond best by just seeing and hearing you doing (and enjoying) it yourself! Wandering toddlers are fine, but if you want your child to come back to you, avoid calling to them from across the room. If necessary, redirect your child physically back to you or the circle. Of course watch out for your child’s safety, but mostly your job is to just relax, and have fun!

How should we use the Music Together materials?

Play your music, either as a CD or digital download (available to all enrolled families) at home and in the car as frequently as possible, especially during the first few weeks of class. Make it available to your child to listen to while s/he is playing or before nap or bedtime. Use the songbook like a storybook, pointing to the pictures, singing the songs while tapping the page, learning the words, using the illustrations to help you make up new words, etc. Ask your child what they see and sing about that! The songbooks are a wonderful wealth of opportunity for musical connection and playfulness. Try using the songbook at story time instead of a regular book, and sing through the songs as you go along. Looking at the printed musical notes on the page will help children understand that music is a written language, too. New families receive our wonderful parent guide: “Music and Your Child: A Guide for Parents and Caregivers." During class your teacher will refer to topics and point out examples of things covered in the guide. If you're a returning family and it's been months or years since you have read the Parent Guide, reread it, or ask for a new copy! You may be surprised how valuable it is, especially after having personal experience observing your child's music development.

Where can I buy some of the instruments we have in class?

Instruments are available for purchase for use at home or as gifts directly from the Music Together Store. Another good source is West Music.

What happens after we complete a session? 

A different song collection is used each session –there are 12 different song collections- so when you re-register, you can look forward to expanding your repertoire with a variety of new songs and chants. The curriculum is designed so that families can continue classes for three years before revisiting a song collection. In three years, you and your child will learn over 375 songs! If you do continue in the program beyond three years (and we hope you will), your child will experience his or her first song collections in a brand new way, as an older child. Read more about the Music Together Curriculum.

I lost my CD or songbook. Can I order another one?

If you're currently enrolled in a Music Together class you may order replacement or extra copies of song collection CDs or songbooks by calling (800) 728-2692 x300

How do I join the family Music Zone?

The Family Music Zone is how you can access your music digitally on a computer or tablet, using the access code in your songbook each session. Enrolled families, please click here for instructions on how to visit the "Zone" to use your unique code.

What's the Music Together app?

Music Together has created an app for Apple and Android that allows you to stream your Music Together music. You can show or hide on-screen lyrics to songs. It also includes a FREE e-book version of the "Hello, Everybody!" singalong storybook! If you're new to Music Together, the app comes pre-loaded with a few songs to get you started. The app is free on iTunes or Google Play. Learn More Here!

How can I get the Music Together Singalong Storybooks?

These are no longer being printed, but there are still some in the warehouse. They are FANTASTIC, and I highly recommend them. These wonderful books can be ordered HERE.

Frequently Asked Questions About Music Together

Santa Rosa Area Music Together

Santa Rosa, CA

707-544-5747 (call or text)

Website ©2016 by Santa Rosa Area Music Together. 

Proudly created with

Online Registration and Make-up Scheduler services by MainStreetSites.

Music Together art & logo design ©1992-2025 Music Together LLC.

Music Together® is a registered trademark.

SRAMT is licensed by Music Together LLC.

For more locations:

 (800) 728-2692 

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